Dark Light
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A large, natural Fluorescent Ruby Wand Crystal.  Polished to a cabochon on top, the whole crystal is corundum, the mineral otherwise known as ruby and sapphire.  The crystals from this location are rare and unusual.  They are all polished to detect any valuable star rubies that may be among them.  It is the interference of Titanium Dioxide which creates a Star Ruby.  Fluorescent under longwave UVC light.  A beautiful natural crystal for the collector and a super gift or treat.  Comes in a little drawstring pouch.  Ideal as a Fluorescent Mineral Specimen or Massage Wand.  Natural Ruby Specimens are becoming rare and hard to come by.  More and more fake and synthetic Rubies are being created in the lab.  Also mining is more blast and crush these days as compared with the old ways.

Northern India.

4.5cm x 2.7cm x 2.5cm, 56g.

Ruby Corundum


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A large, natural Fluorescent Ruby Wand Crystal 26.  Polished to a cabochon on top, the whole crystal is corundum, the mineral otherwise known as ruby and sapphire.  The crystals from this location are rare and unusual.  They are all polished to detect any valuable star rubies that may be among them.  It is the interference of Titanium Dioxide which creates a Star Ruby.  Fluorescent under longwave UVC light.  A beautiful natural crystal for the collector and a super gift or treat.  Comes in a little drawstring pouch.  Ideal as a Fluorescent Mineral Specimen or Massage Wand.  Natural Ruby Specimens are becoming rare and hard to come by.  More and more fake and synthetic Rubies are being created in the lab.  Also mining is more blast and crush these days as compared with the old ways.

Northern India.

4.5cm x 2.7cm x 2.5cm, 56g.

Ruby Corundum

Ruby’s are Red and all other Corundum are Sapphires.  The name is from Sanskrit “kuruvinda” meaning Ruby.  A rare sapphire is a Padparadscha which is a pinky peach colour, found in Sri Lanka.  Ruby is the second hardest natural mineral.  The Element Chromium is what causes the Red colour in Ruby.  The best shade of red for a Ruby is Pigeon Blood Red.  Ruby can be any shade of red up to almost pink.  They are the most amazing Gemstone and in my mind way better than Blood Diamonds.

Corundum is a crystalline form of aluminium oxide, containing traces of iron, titanium, vanadium and chromium.  This makes gem quality corundum rare.  The crystal shape of Corundum is hexagonal but they don’t always come in that form.  Ruby has a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale.

Check out more Ruby Specimens for sale here

Check out more Fluorescent Specimens for sale here

Look at a Fluorescent UV Lighting article here